Chicken is the favorite meat of most people. It is healthy and delicious. The cleaning process of chicken is the first step. Do you know any tips to remove chicken feathers quickly?

Hot water blanching helps chickens shed hair

When performing chicken processing, after blanching, the pores of the chicken can instantly expand, which can make the skin of the chicken feather become soft. It is good for hair removal, but some people use 100°C boiling water when blanching. This will cause damage to the chicken skin, which is not conducive to the removal of chicken hair.

The correct way is to use water at about 80°C for blanching. The blanching time does not need to be too long, just a few minutes. Then you can depilate.

Is there a plucks chicken feather machine?

Remove chicken feathers
Remove Chicken Feathers

In the process of chicken hair removal, it is a very time-consuming task. For commercial chicken hair removal, some machines are needed. The hairy chicken is shed by rubbing the rubber rod inside the machine with the feathers.

What is the easiest way to remove chicken hair?

In the process of chicken hair removal, it is a very time-consuming task. For commercial chicken hair removal, some machines are needed. The hairy chicken is shed by rubbing the rubber rod inside the machine with the feathers.

Chicken feathers machine
Chicken Feathers Machine
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